Welcome to the JAES Blog

Welcome to the JAES Blog
Fruitland Intermediate having fun with volunteer Roy Geiser.

Here at Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore we have been striving to find new and better ways to keep our volunteers and donors updated on our activities and events, and to reach out to new supporters who feel connected to our mission of giving every K-12 student across the Eastern Shore crucial education in financial literacy, workforce readiness, and entrepreneurship. Every day people from all across the shore volunteer in our classrooms, as well as attend ladies’ nights and golf outings, and donate to help provide Junior Achievement program material to classrooms at no cost to the schools. This blog is our way of giving back–of sharing what we know about what we teach; showing the generous men and women who support us on a daily basis; and letting everyone see firsthand the impact our volunteers are having on young minds right now.

We want you to know what we know, to see what we see, and most of all believe what we believe–that every child has a right to begin their adult life as prepared as possible, both with their finances and as a successful member of a global workforce.

Volunteer Chris Perdue helps a second grade student with a problem in JA Our Community

We look forward to sharing our mission with you.

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